Dutch as a second language (NT2)

Learn the Dutch language

Do you want to learn the Dutch language and do not have an obligation to civically integrate? Then you can learn to read, write and speak Dutch in our Dutch language course. The courses are suitable for both beginners and advanced students.


messages-people-user-question FOR WHOM?

The Dutch as a second language course is intended for anyone who:

  • wants to learn Dutch;
  • wants to advance their level of Dutch;
  • wants to take the NT2 state examination.

check-double Intake

After your application, we will invite you for an intake interview. We will ask you to take a test to determine your language level. During the intake interview, we will give you advice in the form of a course plan. This will include what you will be learning, how you will do it and how long you should take to complete it. During the intake, you will also receive more information about the content of your language course. During the course, you will have your own course counsellor.

book-bookmark WHAT WILL YOU LEARN?

The Da Vinci College course is on the one hand focused on learning the Dutch language well, with attention to the basics of the language, such as grammar, vocabulary, speaking, listening, writing and reading with recognised teaching methods for the alpha, 0-A1, A1-A2, A2-B1 and B1-B2 levels.

synchronize-arrow-clock DURATION OF THE COURSE

You will be taught two half-days a week. How long you receive lessons for depends on your own wishes and the agreements made during the intake. In the Councils of Altena and Hoeksche Waard, agreements have been made regarding the duration of the course.


During the course, you will complete various tests and assignments. You will compile these test results and the assignments in a portfolio. At the end of the course, you will receive a certificate.

school-test-results EXAMINATION

It is possible to complete the course with an exam which, if passed, will entitle you to a recognised diploma.

money-wallet-1 FEES

The fees for the Dutch as a second language course are 15 per lesson hour, excluding learning materials. The fees for the total course depend on the duration of the course. In the Councils of Altena and Hoeksche Waard, the fees are partly paid by the Council. You can email educatieinfo@davinci.nl for more information.


pin-location-1 LOCATIONS

Dordrecht, Gorinchem of Wijk en Aalburg.

time-clock-circle-1 START DATE

You can start at any time if there are enough registrations. This can be a new group or an existing group.

messages-bubble-question CONTACT

For questions, please call a location:

Dordrecht (088 – 657 21 50)
Gorinchem (088 – 657 29 12)
Wijk en Aalburg (06 -133 00 067)

You can send an email to educatieinfo@davinci.nl. You will receive an answer to your question within four working days.